Marvel 年度大作《Black Panther: Wakanda Forever》(黑豹 2:瓦干达万岁)上周迎来首波影评,而近日制作人 Nate Moore 透露本片将不会片尾字幕后的额外画面。

Marvel 过往经常在正片字幕后额外收录一段片尾画面为 MCU 的下一个计画进行铺陈,如今即将上映的《黑豹 2:瓦干达万岁》自然也有不少传闻存在,经常看到的即是知名反派「末日博士 Doctor Doom」将是幕后主脑。

不过,制作人 Nate Moore 近日在接受 Collider 专访时,表示过去虽然有传闻讨论片尾画面的相关属性,但本片确认不会有片尾画面的安排,表示此片希望聚焦一种情感体验的传达,就像是《Avengers: Endgame》一样,因此再安插一个片尾额外画面反而会造成突兀的效果,也没有其他好处。

“I’ve heard those rumors, too. No, I think the subject matter of the film was such that it didn’t feel appropriate to have, then, a stinger. Much like [Avengers:] Endgame felt like an emotional experience that you also didn’t need a stinger at the end of this. This felt like we just wanted to tell the story as it was conceived without an added bonus. So, unfortunately, there isn’t an end credits [scene].”